The Failings of a Digital Memory | Reflections on I Remember Nothing by Nora Ephron

Recently I have had the opportunity to search through, (and chuck out) quite a few items that were somehow saved from my childhood. It’s interesting to see what makes it into our present existence. It’s also strange to come to terms with the fact that we hang on to a lot of, well – let’s be honest – crap, simply because it reminds us of a bygone era.

I’m not necessarily referring to photographs or family videos. I’m referring instead to the trinkets and scraps of your life. I’m referring to the letters written to us by best friends during biology classes about whether or not your crush – a boy you can barely recall at this point – is in fact lovesick and swooning for you. I’m referring to the concert tickets for bands you have long since become annoyed with, because the singer is far too nasally to your grown-up ears.  Continue reading